The Siskiyou mountains and Mt Shasta area were pounded by a series of intense storms in mid-January. Massive debris, broken and uprooted trees bear testimony to the storms’ fury.
That is good news for drought plagued California though. The critical mountain snowpack is now well above historical averages, in depth and water content and it sent water rushing into half-empty reservoirs. At his office at Shasta Dam north of Redding, Brian Person, area manager with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation watched the biggest reservoir in the state rise 4 to 5 feet in one day.”Following the abysmal hydrology of ‘07, ‘08 and ‘09, this is a fantastic experience.”
Deep snowpack is, of course, great news for spring rafting. We are looking forward to loads of action and fun on the Upper Sacramento and Cal Salmon Rivers. Call us or email rafting@riverdancers.com for trip schedules, flows and the latest information on the most exciting whitewater rafting available. 800-926-5002 or 530-926-3517.
Our season starts May 1, 2 and 3 on the Upper Sacramento river with our annual spring Whitewater School. 3 days of learning, fun and camaraderie.