Friends of the River (FOR), a leading environmental group said thanks, but no thanks to the Klamath Hydropower Settlement Agreement (KHSA) just signed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski, U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and the Ceo of PacifiCorp. The agreement outlines a plan to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River by 2020.
Friends of the River is one of the original parties negotiating and working for nearly 5 years alongside PacifiCorp, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and Native American Tribes to reach an agreement to remove dams and restore the Klamath river’s once fabled salmon runs.
The reasons for Friends of the River’s decision not sign the agreement:
- ability of settlement to survive is doubtful
- inefficient timeline
- lack of surety
- lack of liability protection
- lack of enforceability
- funding by massive water bond to be approved by California voters
Friends of the River was founded in 1973 during the struggle to save the Stanislaus River from New Melones Dam.
Following that campaign, the organization grew to become California’s statewide river conservation group and is nationally recognized as an authority on the adverse impacts of dams on rivers and ecosystems.
River Dancers, like many of yo, is in favor of actions that support river ecology. Our full opinion on this issue is developing as we research. Stay tuned…