According to the English Outdoor Council “experience of the outdoors and wilderness has the potential to confer a multitude of benefits on young people’s physical development, emotional and mental health.”
The Early Child Development website says: “We know sitting in front of video games and TV are not health beneficial. Being outdoors helps our children to become creative. It is also known that children sleep better when they have played outdoors. Outdoor recreation increases quality of life. There is no limit to the experiences and curiosities that outdoor environments and activities can arouse. Participants frequently discover potential, abilities and interests that surprise themselves and others.
Richard Louv, author of “Last child in the Woods: Saving our children from Nature-Deficit Disorder“ says: “More nature can soothe body and soul.”
Get Kids Outside: Research has shown that children who develop basic motor skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, are more likely to grow into healthy active adults… Don’t just send your children outside to play–be a role model! Go outside with them and participate in games and other activities that require physical exertion!
So how can you get your kids outdoor more? Make it part of your family fun.
River Dancers specializes in family adventures. We understand that children need playful, unstructured time, so we create that kind of environment as part of our river trips.
Family rafting trips offer the wonderful opportunity to discover and enjoy the wilderness as a family. Parents and children interact in a relaxed, friendly environment. The obvious reward is pure fun but the bonding that takes place is the river’s true gift.
Let us help you get your kids outside having fun this summer. Check out our family rafting page.
Call us if you have any questions