Excerpt from The Eddy, the O.A.R.S. Blog:
After practicing law for three years, Erika Unhold found magic on the river and left it all behind. She’s now been a river guide with O.A.R.S. for 10 years.
She says: “Life in the outdoors brings me harmony, balance, a sense of rightness, that feeling that this is what I was made to do. That I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”
Aaron Beverly, too, chose the simple life. He left a lucrative corporate career in engineering for a healthy, happy lifestyle in the outdoors.
He has been with River Dancers for many years, top guide, ski patroller in the winter, house builder…and web designer when the funds are running low.
Life out of the fast lane is never secure, never easy…the pay is light, and forget about those retirement benefits.
What you get is lots of fresh air, strong morning brew, a few beers al fresco on rivers edge. Days filled with physical challenge, adventure and wilderness.
You meet fascinating people at their most relaxed, get to play with their kids and be a hero. And you may just make a difference in their lives.
If being a rafting guide is on your bucket list, here’s your chance. Join us for White Water Rafting School.
White Water Rafting School, May 3 4 & 5, 2014