Saturday, May 17, 2014
River Dancers, the River Exchange and the US Forest Service present the 6th annual Sacramento River Restoration Rafting Adventure.
Join us for an all-day rafting adventure down the beautiful Upper Sacramento River Canyon for some very exciting whitewater and Scotch Broom eradication.
Scotch Broom was used to pack whiskey bottles shipped to California during the Gold Rush, the bubble wrap of the 19th century if you will. Seedpods attached to the package material could sprout during the winter rains or lay dormant for up to 50 years.
Just as mom said… drinking’s bad, not just for you but for the environment as well!
Cost is $50 per person
Ages: 12 and up
Bring water and lunch.
All river gear will be provided by River Dancers. Tools will be provided by the USFS.
Upper Sacramento Rafting Trip Information
Upper Sacramento River Rafting
For information and reservation please contact River Dancers Rafting & Kayaking, 800.926.5002 or rafting@riverdancers.com
Profits benefit the River Exchange‘s watershed education and restoration project