Mt Shasta city councelors voted unanimously to allow voters to decide whether or not to adopt the Water Rights Ordinance in the November 2, 2010 election.

Backed by the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund and the Global Exchange and many local residents, the Ordinance would be the first of its kind to attempt to control cloud seeding and water exportation. Proponents assert that the Ordinance will function to protect Mt Shasta’s fundamental right to clean water and self-governance.
Mt Shasta city’s attorney raised concerns that, in his interpretation, the Ordinance violates the Doctrine of Preemption. “The Electorate, he said, cannot simply declare themselves the right to enact statutes that conflict with or are preempted by state or federal law”.
To see a report from the initiative’s proponents visit the Shasta Commons website at To read the full text of the Ordinance, please visit the Mt Shasta City website at