30 whitewater aficionados gathered at the Upper Sacramento Sims river access last Saturday, May 19th for the fourth annual Upper Sacramento whitewater rafting trip and river restoration project. Once again we focused on Scotch broom eradication, Scotch broom that is so abundant along the river corridor. The event was a collaboration between the Mt Shasta and Happy Camp US Forest Service, the Dunsmuir River Exchange and River Dancers Rafting and Kayaking. Thank you Mellen Collberg for organizing the eevent.
Proceeds were donated to the Dunsmuir River Exchange for their educational and conservation programs.
The river was flush and full, wild azaleas and dogwoods were adorning the shores. The sun was out…the stage was set for a perfect day.

After paddling through frothy rapids and playful waves it was time to get to work. Off came the life jackets and helmets and on came the work gloves. Loppers, shovels and weed wrenches were made available to the posse of dedicated volunteers by the USFS. Eradication of the invasive Scotch broom is hard work.
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius), a member of the Pea family is an invasive plant, causing ecosystem disruption on both the East and West Coasts of the United States. It was introduced from Europe originally as an ornamental plant. It grows to heights of nine feet, develops a deep taproot, and is a prolific seed producer. All these factors combined over time to help spread Scotch Broom over large areas of land, where it became the dominant species, effectively diminishing space for native plant growth.

Thank you all and see you next year!